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woodburners fire up home heating

16 June 2009 11:27

The daily telegraph recently reported on the increase of heating and cooking using wood as a main fuel source. Bradley Stoves Sussex Ltd were mentioned in this article and our web address was also listed. The article reports of savings by one user of £1500 per year. The rise in popularity for woodburners and boiler stoves has been substantial over the last few months and we have seen popular brands such as Charnwood, woodwarm, Hunter and Villager stoves keep up with the growth. New boiler designs for multi-fuel stoves and woodburners are available and many people are looking to make the change to our systems.

Water storage systems to link up solar panels, woodburning stoves, multi-fuel stoves or cookers and oil/gas boilers are also becoming very popular and allow all systems to work togeather when required.

