The Bronpi Oxford Multifuel Stove is Perfect for Christmas
If you are thinking of investing in a multifuel stove then the Bonpi Oxford stove is perfect. A beautiful looking stove that will burn a wide range of fuels and will keep you toasty all winter. It has to be one of's most attractive multifuel stoves because of its clean lines and contemporary feel. And yet the Bronpi Oxford multifuel stove would work really well in a more traditional setting and at only £523.20 it is a fantastic bargain.
A woodburning stove, or a multifuel stove for that matter, make the winter evenings enjoyable and social. Last night we had a group of friends round and we were laughing and chatting whilst the fire gently warmed the room and ran our underfloor heating. The flames flickered and fluttered and allowed any moments of quietness to be filled with a warmth that only the woodburner can engender. And that really is the beauty of a woodburner, it just adds ambience and comfort to a room. All my friends have bought a wood stove since we procured one because they love the way that it heats a room, and how the fire makes such a statement even when it isn't alight.
So if you're wondering whether to buy a woodburner or not I would strongly recommend it! Having had gas fires and an open fire I would still always advocate the wood or multifuel stove in preference to other forms of heating if you can have one fitted. At £523.20 the Bronpi Oxford is an incredibly well priced stove for the smaller room and can be bought online today.