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A Wood Stove versus an Open Fire - which is better?

24 August 2011 12:21

When I first bought my former house, a wonderful Edwardian property, I wouldn't even consider putting in a wood stove, thinking that somehow I would lose out on the aesthetics of an open fire. Older and wiser I realise what a fool-hardy decision I made as 90% of the heat was lost up the chimney and my open fire caused draughts (apparently an open fire can draw up to 17 m3 of air a minute) so my room never felt that warm as you moved away from the fire.

Although the allure of an open fire can biased your decision when thinking about what type of heating to put in a room please remember that technology has moved on considerably. The woodburners of today present a stunning view of the flames and are extremely efficient in heating a room. They also look beautiful and at you will find an affordable wood stove that suits your home perfectly.

A wood stove can also have a boiler added to it to heat your water and to cut down on your fuel bills. If you can find a cheap source of local seasoned logs then you will find a woodburner incredibly efficient and will see a dramatic saving in your heating bills. Even if you have to buy logs in you will be pleased that the heat you are generating is not only keeping your room warm, but is generating hot water as well.

We will shortly be introducing a section on wood stoves with boilers to help you navigate through which wood stove is best for your home.

An open fire is lovely, but the woodburner has to win every time for me!
